Saturday, April 29, 2006

Broken: The Code in the 'Da Vinci Code' Ruling

Broken: The Code in the 'Da Vinci Code' Ruling
Dan Brown の "The Da Vinci Code" が盗作だと訴えられた裁判の判決文に裁判官が暗号を埋め込んでいるというニュースを昨日知り、ブログに書こうと思ったんですが、Dan Brown の "The Da Vinci Code" も大好きですし、原告の Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent も読んで、面白かったので、書きたい事が多く、後で書こうと思っていたら、もう、解読されたそうです。
凄いな・・・ surprised

「自分で拾い出せよ コラッ!」とは言わないで下さい。 mrgreen


そして、1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 がフィボナッチ数列で「The Da Vinci Code」でも出て来ていました。
1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 3 = 5 の様に2つの数字を足して、次の数字に成るという数列でこれが Key だったそうです。

もう一つは暗号文の中の文字で 'T' と成っている所は 'H' にするべきだったと下の様に書いてありますが、これは、前もって言ってあったのでしょうか?

One is a typographical error that the judge says he inserted: a letter that should have been an H in both the coded message and its translation is instead a T.
最初の 'J' は暗号文の中で1つ目なので、フィボナッチ数列の1つ目の1に対応して、'J' から数えて1番目の文字で 'J' に成り、4番目の 'I' ならフィボナッチ数列の4番目が3で、'I' から数えて3つ目の 'K' と言う風に成るそうです。そして、フィボナッチ数列の2に当たる暗号文の3番目の 'E' は足すのではなく引いて、'E' から2つ手前の 'C' に成るそうです。

1, 1, 25, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21

J(10) -> (10 + (1 - 1)) % 26 = J(10)
A(1) -> (1 + (1 - 1)) % 26 = A(1)
E(5) -> (5 + (25 - 1)) % 26 = C(3)
I(9) -> (9 + (3 - 1)) % 26 = K(11)
E(5) -> (5 + (5 - 1)) % 26 = I(9)
X(24) -> (24 + (8 - 1)) % 26 = E(5)
T(20) -> (20 + (13 - 1)) % 26 = F(6)
O(15) -> (15 + (21 - 1)) % 26 = I(9)
S(19) -> (19 + (1 - 1)) % 26 = S(9)
T(20) -> (20 + (1 - 1)) % 26 = T(20) これが合わない。
G(7) -> (7 + (25 - 1)) % 26 = E(5)
P(16) -> (16 + (3 - 1)) % 26 = R(18)
S(19) -> (19 + (5 - 1)) % 26 = W(23)
A(1) -> (1 + (8 - 1)) % 26 = H(8)
C(3) -> (3 + (13 - 1)) % 26 = O(15)
G(7) -> (7 + (21 - 1)) % 26 = A(1)
R(18) -> (18 + (1 - 1)) % 26 = R(18)
E(5) -> (5 + (1 - 1)) % 26 = E(5)
A(1) -> (1 + (25 - 1)) % 26 = Y(25)
M(13) -> (13 + (3 - 1)) % 26 = O(15)
Q(17) -> (17 + (5 - 1)) % 26 = U(21)
W(23) -> (23 + (8 - 1)) % 26 = D(4)
F(6) -> (6 + (13 - 1)) % 26 = R(18)
K(11) -> (11 + (21 - 1)) % 26 = E(5)
A(1) -> (1 + (1 - 1)) % 26 = A(1)
D(4) -> (4 + (1 - 1)) % 26 = D(4)
P(16) -> (16 + (25 - 1)) % 26 = N(14)
M(13) -> (13 + (3 - 1)) % 26 = O(15)
Q(17) -> (17 + (5 - 1)) % 26 = U(21)
Z(26) -> (26 + (8 - 1)) % 26 = G(7)
V(22) -> (22 + (13 - 1)) % 26 = H(8)
Z(26) -> (26 + (21 - 1)) % 26 = T(20)


J A C K I E F I S T(?) E R W H O A R E Y O U D R E A D N O U G H T
“Jackie Fisher who are you Dreadnought.”


あっという間に解読してしまった人は凄いですね。 eusa_clap

でも、"Holy Blood, Holy Grail" も “Da Vinci Code” のおかげで売れて、そんなに深刻な裁判でもないし、お茶目な裁判官は良いですね。 biggrin

この、ダ・ヴィンチ・コードの裁判の裁判官の用いた Smithy Code に就いての補足記事を書きました。

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Canadian Music Creators Coalition: A New Voice

Canadian Music Creators Coalition: A New Voice Paper

We are a growing coalition of Canadian music creators who share the common goal of having our voices heard about the laws and policies that affect our livelihoods. We are the people who actually create Canadian music. Without us, there would be no music for copyright laws to protect.
Until now, a group of multinational record labels has done most of the talking about what Canadian artists need out of copyright. Record companies and music publishers are not our enemies, but let’s be clear: lobbyists for major labels are looking out for their shareholders, and seldom speak for Canadian artists. Legislative proposals that would facilitate lawsuits against our fans or increase the labels’ control over the enjoyment of music are made not in our names, but on behalf of the labels’ foreign parent companies.
It is the government’s responsibility to protect Canadian artists from exploitation. This requires a firm commitment to programs that support Canadian music talent, and a fresh approach to copyright law reform. Canadian music creators have identified three principles that should guide the copyright reform process.

1. Suing Our Fans is Destructive and Hypocritical eusa_clap

2. Digital Locks are Risky and Counterproductive eusa_clap
  デジタル・ロック(DRM とかの事だと思います)はリスキーで逆効果である。

3. Cultural Policy Should Support Actual Canadian Artists eusa_clap
3つの原理の中身もまだ有るんですが、原文の方を見て下さい。 ちょっと、疲れた・・・


Good luck! thumbsup


China blocks Technorati » at Tom Raftery’s I.T. views

I received an email this morning from Ken Carroll of ChinesePod telling me that China has blocked Technorati at the great firewall - it would appear that Technorati will no longer be available to anyone to use in China.

Via Boing Boing

RIAA PetitionTake a Stand Against the Madness

EFF: RIAA Petition

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is on a rampage, launching legal attacks against average Americans from coast to coast. Rather than working to create a rational, legal means by which its customers can take advantage of file-sharing technology and pay a fair price for the music they love, it has chosen to sue people like Brianna LaHara, a 12 year-old girl living in New York City public housing.
RIAA は国中で平均的なアメリカ人に対して訴訟を起こして暴れ回っている。客がファイルシェアリング・テクノロジーを利用できて、妥当な値段を彼らが愛する音楽に支払う道理にかなった合法的な手段を作り出すよりも Brianna LaHara (ニューヨークの公営住宅に住む12歳の少女)の様な人々を法的に訴える事を選んでいる。
Copyright law shouldn't make criminals out of 60 million Americans, and it's time for a change. Tell Congress that it's time to stop the madness!

RIAA は日本の JASRAC に輪を掛けて狂っていますからねぇ・・・
でも、日本はアメリカの後追いをするだけだから・・・ sad

アメリカの方限定ですが、EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) は上のリンク先で署名を集めています。
現在、85,000 人の署名が集まっていて、100,000 人の署名が集まれば、議会に嘆願書を出すそうです。

多分、直ぐに後 15,000 人の署名ぐらいは軽く集まるでしょう。

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Mafia Boss's Encrypted Messages Unraveled

Discovery Channel :: News :: Mafia Boss's Encrypted Messages Unraveled

April 17, 2006 — The recently arrested "boss of bosses" of the Sicilian Mafia, Bernardo Provenzano, wrote notes using an encryption scheme similar to the one used by Julius Caesar more than 2,000 years ago, according to a biography of Italy's most wanted man.
最近逮捕されたシシリアン・マフィアのボス中のボスの Bernardo Provenzano は2000年以上前にジュリアス・シーザーによって使われた暗号に似た暗号を使っていたが、解読されたそうです。

"...I met 512151522 191212154 and we agreed that we will see each other after the holidays...,"
A = 1+3 = 4, B = 2 + 3 = 5, C = 3 + 3 = 6 の様にアルファベットを数字に置き換えて、3をプラスしていたそうです。

でも、これだけでは京都府警ぐらいにしか通用しないと思われます。 mrgreen

Secret Mafia Notes Reveal New 'Godfather'
April 25, 2006 — Bernardo Provenzano, the now jailed "boss of bosses" of the Sicilian Mafia, appointed his Godfather successor before his arrest, the Italian daily La Stampa reported on Tuesday.
シシリアン・マフィアのドンの中のドンの Bernardo Provenzano は逮捕される前にゴッド・ファーザーの後継者を指名していた事が暗号化されていたコードから明らかになったそうです。

日本だったら警察に届け出てくれるんですけどね。 mrgreen

シーザー暗号等の説明をしている Cryptanalysis(暗号解読)を追加しました。

RIAA sues family that doesn't own a PC

Boing Boing: RIAA sues family that doesn't own a PC

The RIAA has filed a file-sharing suit against a family in Rockmart, GA. The family doesn't own a computer.

"I don't understand this," Walls said. "How can they sue us when we don't even have a computer?"

Walls also noted that his family has only resided at their current address "for less than a year." He wondered if a prior tenant of the home had Internet access, then moved, leaving his family to be targeted instead.

However, the RIAA's lawsuit maintains that Carma Walls, through the use of a file-sharing program, has infringed on the copyrights for the following songs: "Who Will Save Your Soul," Jewel; "Far Behind," Candlebox; "Still the Same," Bob Seger; "I Won't Forget You," Poison; "Open Arms," Journey; "Unpretty," TLC; No Scrubs," TLC; and "Saving All My Love for You," Whitney Houston.
RIAA がファイル共有をしたとして、パソコンさえ持っていない家族に訴訟を起こしているそうです。

著作権団体には怒りを感じると言うよりも吐き気を催します。 sick

Sunday, April 16, 2006




Camellia のホームページはこちらです。
News Release はこちらです。

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Tor is out

Tor がリリースされています。

It adds a fifth authoritative directory server, and fixes a lot
of bugs in threshold decisions around directories.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

GnuPG 1.4.3 がリリースされていました

GnuPG 1.4.3 がリリースされていました。
Download -