Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Yahoo! seeks help to fight China censors - report - Forbes.com

Yahoo! seeks help to fight China censors - report - Forbes.com

HONG KONG (AFX) - Yahoo! Inc has called on Internet, media and communication companies and the US government to work together to counter Chinese censorship on the web, the Financial Times reported.
Yahoo! がインターネット、メディア、通信会社、そして政府に中国の検閲に一緒に対抗するよう呼びかけているという事です。

In its online edition, the newspaper said the Internet company is urging the Bush administration to take a stronger stance with Beijing on behalf of US Internet and media companies.

数日前の記事でも紹介しましたが、Yahoo! は中国政府に反体制派の2人のデータを渡し、その人達が投獄された事で批判にさらされています。

[This is] everyone's dilemma: operate in a country and comply with laws that lack transparency, or withdraw,' he said.




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